Blue Hosting's site is clean and takes a very web 2.0 on approach on things. It is no surprise that everything functions correctly and is laid out in a professional manner. They currently host just over 150,000 domains relatively small compared with their competition although it is said that 8/10 customers were referred by existing users which is quite an impressive number.
Value & Price
- Unlimited Domain Hosting
- Unlimited Hosting Space
- Unlimited File Transfer
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- Free Domain Name
- Free Site Builder w/ templates
- Free Instant Set-up
- SSH/Shell Access
- resource protection
- enhanced cPanel

Blue Hosting takes their customers online presence seriously, there is nothing more frustrating than losing all your data and hard work which is why Blue Hosting takes regular backups of their servers every 24 hours. Uptime needn't be a concern, with Blue Hosting your uptime is covered under their 99.9% guarantee. If Blue Hosting fail to keep your site up and running any less than 99.9% of the time you're entitled to a full refund.
Control Panel
CPanel is your best friend and your worst enemy. It’s jam packed with almost every hosting feature you could ever dream of, but using it to accomplish something is like trying to drive blindfolded. Its tools are poorly designed, difficult to use and presented in a very random fashion. At first glance it looks like Bluehost is simply running a stock version of the control panel, however we quickly noticed they’ve added a few features to make life with CPanel almost tolerable. The most noticeable improvement is purely cosmetic. You can tame the beast by using an alternate control panel layout. This quickly became the first link we clicked whenever we logged in and should be the default layout every time you log in. Other improvements include an integrated billing profile manager, a direct link to the support center, a website creation tool, an additional webmail client and a domain manager.
All this makes CPanel at Bluehost tolerable, but it doesn’t make it good. If you’re looking for a web host to build your first website, or if you’ve used a different hosting control panel in the past then you’ll probably find CPanel’s rough edges a little too hard to swallow. Otherwise if you’ve been there and done that then Bluehost’s customizations will probably do you good.
The customer support over at Blue Hosting is equally as reliable as their hosting. Calls are answered promptly and politely with a helpful technical specialist. Tickets are responded to within minutes and the average resolution time is just 35 minutes by email and 15 minutes on the phone.
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