Web Hosting is a long time established. The company originally emerged from a different web hosting company back in early 2000. Since then the company is under the same ownership and under the same leading management. This clearly shows important stability which is worth a lot when it comes to web hosting success. Lunarpages has over 110,000 customers and over 125 members on staff. So, when considering a web host these are great facts that make it worth looking at this Web Host.
Value & Price
- Domain Name Registration
- User-Friendly Technology
- Unlimited Email
- Hundreds of Scripts
- Language Support
- Unlimited storage, bandwidth, databases, domains, FTP accounts, and more
- Extras and Upgrades
- Managed Shared Hosting

LunarPages operate out of a world class data centre infrastructure located in Los Angles, assembled off the best equipments from Dell, Sun and Cisco. Their BGP4 routed gigabit fiber network is multi-homed with over 150 carriers, such as, Mzima Networks, Level3, NTT / Verio, Global Crossing, Genuity, SBC, Microsoft / MSN, AOL Time Warner, Japan Telecom, Hurricane Electric and Savvis. I can personally guarantee for their uptime claims as I’ve never noted any surprise downtimes neither have any of my clients.
Control Panel
Lumarpages uses a Cpanel that contains most of what you need to manage your site, including the ability to park domains, create subdomains, add-on domains and email accounts as well as filter and forward email. From this panel you can also monitor site traffic and the guest books, forums and contact lists. The Cpanel displays over 40 icons that link to many website management functions and are arranged intuitively and logically.
Support is available 24/7x365 via toll free numbers, unlike other web hosts they do not make they toll free number difficult to find or make it available only during weekdays and that too only during the business hours. Apart from toll free telephone support you can also reach their support staff through the regular ticket support, email them or look up their knowledgebase and FAQs for self help.
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