Just Host is one of the most respected web hosting companies in the industry. Just Host continue to push the benchmark for all other web hosting companies should be run, with their up-to-date modern looking website, instant account activation, and the support and features you'd expect from a top paying premium web host, Just Host provide all this but at an incredibly low price.
Value & Price
- Unlimited Hosting Space
- Unlimited Data Transfer
- Unlimited Domain Hosting
- Free Site Builder
- Free Domain Forever
- Unlimited Email Accounts
- Unlimited MySQL Databases
- FTP Access
24/7 Toll Free Phone Support
- 24/7 Email Support
- Tutorials & Online Help
- Ecommerce Supported

With a 30 day money back guarantee and a guaranteed server uptime of 99.9%, this goes to show that Just Host means business, and has your best interests at heart. They have a state-of-the-art datacenter that has been custom built from the ground up using redundant optical fiber connections and multiple internet backbone providers situated in Los Angeles, insuring that your website performs at its best.
The servers environment is monitored with the latest technology, HVAC temperature control make sure the temperature is kept constant, UPS backup with backup generators ensure that your site will always stay live. Other security features of Just Hosts datacenter include video surveillance, biometric access controls, with smoke detection and fire suppression methods provide unrivalled reliability.
Control Panel
Just Host packages all utilize the easy to use VDECK 2a.0 control panel that, with large icon-based buttons, gives you versatility and control over each aspect of your account. You can build, publish, and market your websites, set up shopping carts, install scripts, and manage your email account all from this interface. The icon-based interface makes it really simple to use but detailed Tutorials on each function is also available.
Plain and simple - Just Host offer 24/7 toll-free phone support, how can anyone improve on that? But they succeed to - on top of that, they offer live chat and email ticket support which they aim (and usually do) in answering within 30 minutes!
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