You have designed a web site the first thing you should think about is what domain name should you choose, when you have done that you need to know where it should be hosted. For hosting companies you should look for affordable, reliable and high performance web hosting provider which also provides one free domain name when signing up for the service. Additional domain names should be available at a low cost and include free privacy protection if needed.
There are millions of places that you could get your website hosted but you should stick with well known companies because they are more reliable and will offer you more affordable deals. These web hosting companies will also give you very high performance and most of them come with unlimited E-mail accounts, Free setup and free domain, Choice of a web-site builder, 24/7 support and 30 day money back guarantee and a lot more.
Storage space is only a problem if your website has a lot of thing you would need to download such as music and software but you could get an up grade on by your web hosting company. The average website would only need the standard amount of storage you are provided with by you web hosting company. You can also use it to store files online and the files can be backed up online. The more storage space the hosting company offers you the better.
Control panel - this is a tool all web hosting companies offer you to build and manage your website it is easy to use and you can also get a step by step video to help you use it. If this is your first time using web hosting control panel it should not be difficult to use.
I hope these tips help you find a good and reliable web hosing company.