When it comes to selecting a web host, you are not slim for options. There are various types, but how do you know which will produce the most satisfying results for your website? First you must determine your website’s needs, taking into account the desired size, purpose, and management of your website. Then you will be ready to understand your options and select the best available hosting service.
Free web hosting is perfect for small, personal websites that only exist to share information with small groups of people. Though you may be bombarded by pop-up advertisements and have very limited storage space, bandwidth, and other features, free web hosting is just what it name says it is: free. Free hosting services are definitely not able to support a business or other more demanding causes.
Shared web hosting is a good option for business-related websites and sites that serve larger groups of people. This service uses a “server” or single computer to hold many websites at a time, depending upon its hardware, the type of company, and its cost. The speed, cost, and overall quality vary greatly between shared web hosts, so it’s best to have an idea of your website’s CPU time and bandwidth requirements before you make your selection. Although shared web hosting is often a reliable option for both personal and business use, you may need to look elsewhere if your website requires heavy resource allotment.
Virtual dedicated servers may be a better option for personal or business websites which require the maintenance of a more stable environment. Instead of sharing the same CPU and bandwidth with other shared web hosting clients, virtual dedicated servers guarantee a set amount of CPU and bandwidth resources for each client. They also offer more hands-on control or “root” access to their virtual machine, allowing the client to custom manage the operating system.
Dedicated hosting service is a step up from virtual dedicated servers: it gives the client full control over their own server. Though self-management may be less expensive, for clients who don’t want to manage the server themselves, most dedicated hosting services offer managed service –the client’s own support-personal and plans to assist in server management and security updates. In both cases dedicated hosting service offers more options in such services as email and FTP service. With much more control and options, however, comes a much bigger price tag. Most webmasters choose the more affordable shared hosting or virtual dedicated servers over dedicated hosting.
Colocation web hosting service is similar to dedicated hosting, except the client owns the server, so the host simply provides a physical space, power, and an internet connection for the client. The fact that in most cases there may be little or no further support from a colocation web hosting service beyond ensuring that the set amount of bandwidth and power is available to the server and an administrator must visit the hosting center for client access makes this a less common option.
Clustered hosting is only used in situations where more than one server is required to handle a website’s needs. Multiple servers host the same website allowing a larger base of users to view the site’s information at once.
Grid hosting uses clustered servers to act like a grid for websites requiring distributed hosting.
Home server is literally a server a webmaster runs from his/her home or business place of business, on either a consumer-grade broadband connection or something higher. It may lack the backup power sources and industrial grade cooling systems of a hosting center, but home server gives the client the benefit of colocation service without the expense. Just remember to check your ISP beforehand; some don’t allow users to host their own websites.
Still don’t know which web hosting service is for you? Shared web hosting and virtual or fully dedicated servers are safe bets for most personal and business websites. And if those don’t fit your needs, your team most likely has it’s own IT staff to make that decision.