Choosing the right web host for your particular situation and website needs is very important! You can choose a "free" web host or a "commercial" web host, for which you pay a monthly hosting fee. When considering a paid commercial web host, ask your friends and associates what web host they use and how they like it. Specifically, ask about downtime and customer service, which seem to be the weak points of some web hosting services. Getting feedback from others regarding choosing the right web host may keep you from selecting a less-than-reputable web host, and save you many headaches in the long term.
After you have chosen your domain name and got it registered, you will need a web hosting service to host your website files and publish them on the World Wide Web (WWW) for everyone to view. You will need to copy your website files from your computer hard drive to a web server. Some Internet Service Providers (ISP) will host websites, though the amount of bandwidth and the reliability factor may be lower than what will work for a decent business website. If you do not use your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to host your website, you will need to make a decision as to what web hosting service to use. A majority of web hosts will also provide some type of site builder or templates for you to use to build your website.
A web host will provide you with a "user ID and password" that allows only you to access your files. This is so no one else can access your files and change your website without your knowledge. When you sign up for web hosting services, you will be provided with adequate instructions on how to upload files to the web server. Do not worry...the process is not complicated at all, and anyone with basic computer skills can do it.
Of course, you will want to check prices, and whether the price structure of a particular web host service fits your budget and payment plan. Some web hosts require that you pay for a year at a time, which kind of locks you into using that web host for that amount of time, or continuing to pay for hosting that you may not want to use. Many hosting services will allow you to pay monthly with no contract for any longer time period, making it much easier to switch web hosts if you decide to at a later date. Most web hosting services set up a system where they automatically charge your monthly payment to your credit card, or debit it from your bank account, so you do not have to remember to make the payment.
It is important to choose a web host that guarantees reliable consistent up-time and personal technical support 24/7 in case something goes wrong. You should seek out hosting services that can guarantee over 95% up-time. Before you sign with a web hosting service, call their tech support or e-mail them at times other than normal business hours...see if you actually get a prompt response, and what kind of attitude is displayed. This will give you a good indication of what you may expect for technical support and customer service if you use their web hosting service. After you start having technical problems is not the time to find out that your web hosting technical team is unavailable, inadequate, or unprofessional.
You will also want to choose the right web host that allows you the administrative authority to, at the very least, perform such tasks as manage the e-mail addresses and change passwords for your account. Get the details on how much bandwidth is offered, and what the penalty charge is for using over the limited amount. Though in the beginning, it might not seem important to you, but you will want to choose the right web host that allows and supports FTP, Perl, CGI-BIN, etc. All of these tools can be very important for maintaining the freedom to expand, transport, and control your site as you learn more about website building. Find out what type of operating system and server is being used.